




What is Psoriasis?

An atrial septal defect (ASD) is a congenital heart disability. In this condition, a hole in the wall (septum) separates the heart’s upper chambers (atria). The hole can vary in size and may close on its own during infancy or may require surgery.

Usually, the opening is closed when the child is born, separating the non-oxygenated blood from the oxygenated blood. In atrial septal defects, this opening persists, and the size of the hole may differ from minuscule to large. 

Minute openings often close during childhood. A large and persistent hole in the septal wall may harm the heart and lungs.

Small holes in the septum may not cause many difficulties and are often found later in life. The persistent hole is closed by the surgery to avoid complications.


Homoeopathic Treatment for Psoriasis

Homoeopathy for Psoriasis addresses the immunological factors responsible for its growth and spread. Our immune system is managed by a host of genetic, environmental, physical, emotional, and hormonal factors. 

So, psoriasis treatment with homoeopathy aims to comprehensively examine the Psoriasis patient. The homoeopathic medicines are prepared using the most distinctive technique called Potentization. 

This method releases the hidden therapeutic nano-particles from the source materials. The source materials include medicinal plants, minerals, chemicals, animal products, etc.

Homoeopathic medications are available in the form of oral pills. Homoeopathy does not believe in applying any medicinal substance on the skin to heal it, except using moisturizer.

Some common homoeopathic medicines for psoriasis treatment include:

  1. Graphites
  2. Kali carbonicum
  3. Thuja occidentalis
  4. Kali sulphuricum
  5. Sulfur
  6. Mezereum
  7. Arsenicum album

Benefits of Homeopathy Treatment for Psoriasis


Homoeopathy works effectively on patients suffering from Psoriatic Arthritis. Homoeopathic medicines control the pain, stiffness, and swelling by focusing on the root cause of the disease. It provides long-lasting comfort and decreases re-occurrence risk.


Psoriasis produces red, scaly, and itchy patches on the skin. It can appear like a rash, so you may worry that you could get it from someone else or transfer it to others. But don’t worry, it’s non-contagious. You cannot get the disease by touching someone who has it.


If over 10% of your body is affected or larger areas on your face, palms, or feet have patches, you have severe psoriasis. It can also be regarded as severe if it remains untreated and severely affects your quality of life.


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